HR Solutions, Human Resources Information System | EmployeeConnect
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HR Management Software

Managed Payroll

Unlock the full potential of your business with our managed payroll services.


Ensure your payroll processes comply with all relevant laws and regulations.


Gain valuable insights with detailed and accurate payroll reports.


Access a wealth of payroll expertise whenever you need it.

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Payroll Expertise Integrated Into Your Business

Knowledge at your fingertips.

We provide payroll knowledge and experience as a seamless extension of your operations, ensuring efficiency, compliance, and peace of mind. Our dedicated team of specialists handles every aspect of payroll management, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running and growing your business.

With our services, you benefit from:

  • Expert Support: Access a team of payroll professionals who understand the complexities of payroll management and are ready to assist whenever needed.
  • Customised Solutions: Receive tailored payroll solutions designed to meet the specific needs of your business, no matter the size or industry.
  • Cost Savings: Reduce payroll administration costs by up to 70%, freeing up resources for other critical areas of your business.
  • Compliance Assurance: Stay ahead of regulatory changes and ensure your payroll processes are fully compliant with the latest laws and regulations.
  • Integrated Systems: Enjoy seamless integration with your existing HRIS, streamlining your HR and payroll processes for greater efficiency.

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Complete End-to-End Payroll Management

Let us take control of the entire payroll process. 

From initial setup to final reporting. Our end-to-end management means you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.


Supported by Payroll Specialists


Benefit from the expertise of our dedicated payroll specialists. Our team is always on hand to provide support, ensuring your payroll is accurate, compliant, and delivered on time.


Focus on Your Business


Outsourcing your payroll allows you to concentrate on core business activities. With our managed services, you can reduce administrative burdens and enhance productivity.


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Customised & Reduced Costs

Customise your very own payroll solution. 

We understand that no two businesses are the same. Our bespoke payroll solutions are designed to fit your specific requirements, providing flexibility and customised services that align with your business needs.


Save Up to 70% on Payroll Administration Costs


Our efficient payroll solutions can help you achieve significant cost savings. By outsourcing, you can reduce overheads and save up to 70% on payroll administration costs. By tracking and analysing these metrics, we gain a deeper understanding of our HR performance and its alignment with our organisational goals. This data-driven approach enables us to make informed decisions, optimize HR processes, and ultimately enhance overall organisational performance.

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Drive Efficiency & Compliance

Transform your payroll operations. 

Stay compliant with ever-changing payroll regulations. Our services ensure your payroll processes are not only efficient but also adhere to all legal requirements, reducing the risk of costly penalties.


Integrated with HRIS


Seamlessly integrate our payroll services with your existing Human Resource Information System (HRIS). This integration streamlines your processes, ensuring data consistency and ease of access.


Everything you need to build a world class workforce

EmployeeConnects software enables a tailored solution to meet your organisational needs.

Cloud-based or onsite, best practice HR & Payroll processes with flexibility and control in your hands.

Join the family today!